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到期合約換月自動移倉代碼 [金字塔]

  • 咨詢內容:










    public iMultipliter   

    public ZhuLiCode,AccountID   '主力合約,賬戶

     Call Application.SetTimer(2,1000*30)  '使用定時器30秒輪詢
    End Sub

    Sub Application_Timer(ID)
     'Application.MsgOut CDate(Time)
     if weekday(cdate(date),vbMonday)>=6 then  '周六、周日不執行
      exit sub
     end if 
     If CDate(Time)>=cdate("10:0000") then    '10:00-10:10判斷是否需要移倉
      If CDate(Time)<=cdate("10:10:00") then
       TotalAccount=Cdbl(Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","AccountCount",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini"))  '賬戶數
       For j=1 to TotalAccount
        CurrentAccount=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Code",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '本賬戶號碼
        Yc=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Yc",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '是否移倉
        if Yc=1 then
         GetAllHolding CurrentAccount
        end if 
      end if
     end if  
    End Sub

    Sub GetContract(sCode,sMarket)
     'Application.MsgOut sCode & "," & sMarket
     Call Order.Contract(sCode,sMarket,Multipliter,MinTick,ShortPercent,LongPercent)
     'application.MsgOut iMultipliter
    End Sub

    Sub GetAllHolding(sAccount)
      dim i,k
      dim BuyHold
     dim BuyCost
     dim SellHold
     dim SellCost
     dim CurCode
     dim CurMarket

      On Error resume Next
      If HoldingCount>0 then
       For i=0 to HoldingCount-1
        Call Order.HoldingInfo2(i,BuyHolding,BuyCost,BuyTodayHolding,SellHolding,SellCost,SellTodayHolding,PNL,UseMargin,Code,Market,sAccount)
        AutoYiCang CurCode,CurMarket,BuyHold,SellHold,sAccount  '自動移倉
      End If 
    End Sub

    sub AutoYiCang(sCode,sMarket,iBuy,iSell,sAcc)
     dim PreCode
     dim i
     for i=1 to len(sCode)
      if isnumeric(mid(sCode,i,1)) then
       exit for
      end if 
     'application.MsgOut "i:" & i & ",PreCode:" & PreCode & ",sAcc:" & sAcc
     GetContractCode sMarket,PreCode
     if sCode<>ZhuLiCode And left(ZhuLiCode,i-1)=left(sCode,i-1) then  '不是持有主力合約
      if iBuy>0 then
       PingDuoDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
       KaiDuoDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
      end if
      if iSell>0 then
       PingKongDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
       KaiKongDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
      end if
     end if
    end sub

    Sub GetContractCode(sMarketCode,sStockPre)    '根據市場編碼取得主力合約編碼
     If sMarketCode="" then
      exit sub
     End if 
     contractvolume = 0
     n = marketdata.GetReportCount(sMarketCode)
     For j = 0 To n - 1
      Set report1 = marketdata.GetReportDataByIndex(sMarketCode, j)
      suffixlabel = Right(report1.Label, 2)
      If sStockPre=left(report1.Label,len(sStockPre)) then
       If suffixlabel = "00" Then
       End If
       If cdbl(suffixlabel) >= 1 And cdbl(suffixlabel) <= 12 Then
        If report1.volume = ZhuLiVol Then
         ZhuLiCode = report1.Label
         'application.MsgOut ZhuLiCode
         exit for
        End If
       End If
      End if 
    End Sub

    Sub KaiDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '開多單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       'application.MsgOut "sCode,sMarket,AccountID:" & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & AccountID
       Call Order.Buy(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)     '市價開多單
       Call Order.Buy(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價開多單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub

    Sub KaiKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '開空單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       Call Order.BuyShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市價開空單
       Call Order.BuyShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價開空單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub

    Sub PingDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平多單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       Call Order.Sell(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市價平多單
       Call Order.Sell(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價平多單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub
    Sub PingKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平空單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       Call Order.SellShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市價平空單
       Call Order.SellShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價平空單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub





  • 金字塔客服:










    public iMultipliter   

    public ZhuLiCode,AccountID   '主力合約,賬戶

     Call Application.SetTimer(2,1000*30)  '使用定時器30秒輪詢
    End Sub

    Sub Application_Timer(ID)
     'Application.MsgOut CDate(Time)
     if weekday(cdate(date),vbMonday)>=6 then  '周六、周日不執行
      exit sub
     end if 
     If CDate(Time)>=cdate("10:0000") then    '10:00-10:10判斷是否需要移倉
      If CDate(Time)<=cdate("10:10:00") then
       TotalAccount=Cdbl(Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","AccountCount",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini"))  '賬戶數
       For j=1 to TotalAccount
        CurrentAccount=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Code",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '本賬戶號碼
        Yc=Document.GetPrivateProfileString("Gen","Account" & Cstr(j) & "_Yc",0,"C:\YcSet.Ini")  '是否移倉
        if Yc=1 then
         GetAllHolding CurrentAccount
        end if 
      end if
     end if  
    End Sub

    Sub GetContract(sCode,sMarket)
     'Application.MsgOut sCode & "," & sMarket
     Call Order.Contract(sCode,sMarket,Multipliter,MinTick,ShortPercent,LongPercent)
     'application.MsgOut iMultipliter
    End Sub

    Sub GetAllHolding(sAccount)
      dim i,k
      dim BuyHold
     dim BuyCost
     dim SellHold
     dim SellCost
     dim CurCode
     dim CurMarket

      On Error resume Next
      If HoldingCount>0 then
       For i=0 to HoldingCount-1
        Call Order.HoldingInfo2(i,BuyHolding,BuyCost,BuyTodayHolding,SellHolding,SellCost,SellTodayHolding,PNL,UseMargin,Code,Market,sAccount)
        AutoYiCang CurCode,CurMarket,BuyHold,SellHold,sAccount  '自動移倉
      End If 
    End Sub

    sub AutoYiCang(sCode,sMarket,iBuy,iSell,sAcc)
     dim PreCode
     dim i
     for i=1 to len(sCode)
      if isnumeric(mid(sCode,i,1)) then
       exit for
      end if 
     'application.MsgOut "i:" & i & ",PreCode:" & PreCode & ",sAcc:" & sAcc
     GetContractCode sMarket,PreCode
     if sCode<>ZhuLiCode And left(ZhuLiCode,i-1)=left(sCode,i-1) then  '不是持有主力合約
      if iBuy>0 then
       PingDuoDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
       KaiDuoDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iBuy,sAcc
      end if
      if iSell>0 then
       PingKongDan 0,sCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
       KaiKongDan 0,ZhuLiCode,sMarket,iSell,sAcc
      end if
     end if
    end sub

    Sub GetContractCode(sMarketCode,sStockPre)    '根據市場編碼取得主力合約編碼
     If sMarketCode="" then
      exit sub
     End if 
     contractvolume = 0
     n = marketdata.GetReportCount(sMarketCode)
     For j = 0 To n - 1
      Set report1 = marketdata.GetReportDataByIndex(sMarketCode, j)
      suffixlabel = Right(report1.Label, 2)
      If sStockPre=left(report1.Label,len(sStockPre)) then
       If suffixlabel = "00" Then
       End If
       If cdbl(suffixlabel) >= 1 And cdbl(suffixlabel) <= 12 Then
        If report1.volume = ZhuLiVol Then
         ZhuLiCode = report1.Label
         'application.MsgOut ZhuLiCode
         exit for
        End If
       End If
      End if 
    End Sub

    Sub KaiDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '開多單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       'application.MsgOut "sCode,sMarket,AccountID:" & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & AccountID
       Call Order.Buy(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)     '市價開多單
       Call Order.Buy(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價開多單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub

    Sub KaiKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '開空單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     'application.MsgOut "iOrdVol:" & iOrdVol & "," & sCode & "," & sMarket & "," & sAccount & "," & nPrice
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       Call Order.BuyShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市價開空單
       Call Order.BuyShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價開空單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub

    Sub PingDuoDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平多單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       Call Order.Sell(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市價平多單
       Call Order.Sell(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價平多單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub
    Sub PingKongDan(nPrice,sCode,sMarket,iOrdVol,sAccount)  '平空單,nPrice=0時為市價,否則就是傳遞過來的價
     If iOrdVol>0 then
      If nPrice=0 then
       Call Order.SellShort(1,iOrdVol,0,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)    '市價平空單
       Call Order.SellShort(0,iOrdVol,nPrice,0,sCode,sMarket,sAccount,0)   '限價平空單
      End If 
     End If
    End Sub


  • 用戶回復: 感覺有些復雜,建議是否將自動換月的功能加入到軟件中. 比如可以在主連上跑策略,程序自動實現換月.


  • 網友回復: 還有人關注此貼嗎,好像不能映射大連市場的幾組連續合約,J00和JD00,P00和PP00會搞混,不知什么原因,請老師解惑2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【圖表】TA00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【圖表】MA00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【圖表】RM00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:00.119    【圖表】CF00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:01.133    【圖表】FG00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:01.133    【圖表】ZC00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】J01 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】M00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】RU00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】Y00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】HC00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】RB00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】AL00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:00:02.147    【圖表】I00 運行完畢2016-09-23 21:25:12.401    【下單】J01 價0.000000 量1 買賣1 類型1 開平1 賬戶600802 Formula 12016-09-23 21:25:12.417    【下單】JD01 價0.000000 量1 買賣0 類型1 開平0 賬戶600802 Formula 12016-09-23 21:25:12.417    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061372016-09-23 21:25:12.433    【回報】600802 : j1701 - 已報單 1 價格:1249.5 平 賣2016-09-23 21:25:12.511    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061382016-09-23 21:25:12.511    【回報】600802 : jd1701 - 已報單 1 價格:3378 開 買2016-09-23 21:25:12.511    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061372016-09-23 21:25:12.587    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061382016-09-23 21:25:12.597    【回報】600802 : JD01 雞蛋1701 - 已撤單 量:12016-09-23 21:25:12.597    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061382016-09-23 21:25:12.597    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061372016-09-23 21:25:12.657    【指令】收到成交回報指令 ORDERID = 3042061372016-09-23 21:25:12.677    【回報】600802 : j1701 - 已成交 1 價格:1250.5 平 賣2016-09-23 21:25:12.677    【回報】600802 : j1701 - 全部成交 12016-09-23 21:27:47.744    【同步】600802 : J01 理論持倉 多1 空0 實際持倉 多0 空02016-09-23 21:27:47.744    【圖表】J01 理論持倉比實際持倉大,需要補倉2016-09-23 21:27:47.764    【下單】J01 價0.000000 量1 買賣0 類型1 開平0 賬戶600802 Formula 12016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061392016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【回報】600802 : j1701 - 已報單 1 價格:1250.0 開 買2016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061392016-09-23 21:27:47.774    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061392016-09-23 21:27:47.784    【指令】收到成交回報指令 ORDERID = 3042061392016-09-23 21:27:47.794    【回報】600802 : j1701 - 已成交 1 價格:1249.0 開 買2016-09-23 21:27:47.794    【回報】600802 : j1701 - 全部成交 12016-09-23 21:31:12.647    【下單】P01 價0.000000 量1 買賣1 類型1 開平1 賬戶600802 Formula 12016-09-23 21:31:12.647    【下單】PP01 價0.000000 量1 買賣0 類型1 開平0 賬戶600802 Formula 12016-09-23 21:31:12.663    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061402016-09-23 21:31:12.725    【回報】600802 : p1701 - 已報單 1 價格:5706 平 賣2016-09-23 21:31:12.742    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061402016-09-23 21:31:12.742    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061402016-09-23 21:31:12.793    【指令】收到成交回報指令 ORDERID = 3042061402016-09-23 21:31:12.803    【回報】600802 : p1701 - 已成交 1 價格:5710 平 賣2016-09-23 21:31:12.803    【回報】600802 : p1701 - 全部成交 12016-09-23 21:31:12.853    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061412016-09-23 21:31:12.863    【回報】600802 : pp1701 - 已報單 1 價格:7079 開 買2016-09-23 21:31:12.903    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 3042061412016-09-23 21:31:12.913    【回報】600802 : PP01 聚丙烯1701 - 已撤單 量:12016-09-23 21:31:12.913    【指令】收到回報指令 ID = 304206141



可聯系技術人員 QQ: 511411198  點擊這里給我發消息進行 有償 編寫!不貴!點擊查看價格!

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