期貨期權交流求教代碼問題 [MC]
? ?? ?你好,下面是我編寫的股指期貨代碼,現在有幾個問題想請教一下。
? ?? ?1、以下的代碼有沒有地方可以簡化?可以減少計算時間。
? ?? ?2、現在運行中,setstoploss止損后,就不能自動開倉了,如果想止損后依然按條件自動開倉,應該怎么寫代碼?
? ???非常感謝!
if close cross above co1 and marketposition=0 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above c02 and marketposition=0 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above c03 and marketposition=0 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above c04 and marketposition=0 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under d01 and marketposition=0 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under d02 and marketposition=0 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under d03 and marketposition=0 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under d04 and marketposition=0 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above co1 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above c02 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above c03 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above c04 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above d01 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above d02 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above d03 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross above d04 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under co1 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under c02 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under c03 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under c04 and marketposition=1 then sellshort 1 contract next bar at market;
if close cross under d01 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross under d02 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross under d03 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross under d04 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above d01 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above d02 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above d03 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if close cross above d04 and marketposition=-1 then buy 1 contracts next bar at market;
if time>=1457 then
sell next bar at market;
buytocover next bar at market;
可聯系技術人員 QQ: 511411198 進行 有償 編寫!(不貴!點擊查看價格!)