#property copyright "GJ Pavkovich"
#property link????? "www.sniperforex.com"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 Blue
#property indicator_color4 Red
#property indicator_color5 Blue
#property indicator_color6 Red
extern int SniperPeriod = 30;
extern int SniperType = 3;
extern int arrow_shift = 30;
extern int Alerts = 1;
double g_ibuf_92[];
double g_ibuf_96[];
double g_ibuf_100[];
double g_ibuf_104[];
double g_ibuf_108[];
double g_ibuf_112[];
bool gi_116 = TRUE;
int gi_unused_120;
bool gi_124;
bool gi_128;
string gs_shma_132 = "SHMA";
string gs_140 = "Sniper Forex, copyright GJ Pavkovich 88754897533568";
int init() {
?? ObjectsDeleteAll();
?? SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_92);
?? SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_96);
?? SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_100);
?? SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_104);
?? SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_108);
?? SetIndexBuffer(5, g_ibuf_112);
?? SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? gi_116 = TRUE;
?? return (0);
int start() {
?? string ls_unused_12;
?? string ls_0 = "2020.09.09";
?? int l_str2time_8 = StrToTime(ls_0);
?? if (TimeCurrent() >= l_str2time_8) {
????? Alert("Trial version expired! Contact www.sniperforex.com.");
????? return (0);
?? }
?? if (gi_116) {
????? gi_116 = FALSE;
????? for (int li_20 = Bars; li_20 >= 0; li_20--) {
???????? g_ibuf_92[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 2, gs_140, 1, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_96[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 2, gs_140, 2, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_100[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 3, gs_140, 1, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_104[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 3, gs_140, 2, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_108[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 4, gs_140, 1, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_112[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 4, gs_140, 2, li_20);
???????? DoCheck(li_20);
????? }
?? } else {
????? for (li_20 = 3; li_20 >= 0; li_20--) {
???????? g_ibuf_92[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 2, gs_140, 1, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_96[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 2, gs_140, 2, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_100[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 3, gs_140, 1, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_104[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 3, gs_140, 2, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_108[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 4, gs_140, 1, li_20);
???????? g_ibuf_112[li_20] = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, gs_shma_132, SniperPeriod, SniperType, 4, gs_140, 2, li_20);
????? }
????? DoCheck(0);
????? gi_unused_120 = Bars;
?? }
?? return (0);
void DoCheck(int ai_0) {
?? string l_name_4;
?? if (g_ibuf_108[ai_0] != EMPTY_VALUE && g_ibuf_108[ai_0 + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE && !gi_124) {
????? gi_124 = TRUE;
????? if (ai_0 == 0) {
???????? l_name_4 = "Imminent long trade alert on " + Symbol() + ", " + GetTimeFrame() + ", " + TimeToStr(TimeLocal()) + ", Bid=" + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits);????? }????? break;????? break;
????? break;
?? case PERIOD_M30:
????? ls_ret_0 = "M30";
????? break;
?? case PERIOD_H1:
????? ls_ret_0 = "H1";
????? break;
?? case PERIOD_H4:
????? ls_ret_0 = "H4";
????? break;
?? case PERIOD_D1:
????? ls_ret_0 = "D1";
????? break;
?? case PERIOD_W1:
????? ls_ret_0 = "W1";
????? break;
?? case PERIOD_MN1:
????? ls_ret_0 = "MN";
?? }
?? return (ls_ret_0);
?來源: m.kzuj.com.cn
#property copyright "Freely Available"
#property link????? "keeper-of-the-thatch@thepub.co.za"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 White
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 Red
extern int period = 34;
extern int method = 3;
extern int price = 0;
extern string C = "";
double g_ibuf_96[];
double g_ibuf_100[];
double g_ibuf_104[];
int gi_108 = 0;
int init() {
?? gi_108 = TimeCurrent() - TimeCurrent() % (60 * Period()) - 60 * Period();
?? IndicatorBuffers(3);
?? SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_96);
?? SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_100);
?? SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_104);
?? ArraySetAsSeries(g_ibuf_104, TRUE);
?? SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
?? IndicatorShortName("Hull Moving Average alert(" + period + ")");
?? return (0);
int deinit() {
?? return (0);
double WMA(int ai_0, int a_period_4) {
?? return (iMA(NULL, 0, a_period_4, 0, method, price, ai_0));
int start() {
?? int li_0;
?? int li_4;
?? int li_8;
?? int l_period_12;
?? int li_16;
?? double lda_20[];
?? double lda_24[];
?? if (C == "Sniper Forex, copyright GJ Pavkovich 88754897533568") {
????? li_0 = IndicatorCounted();
????? if (li_0 < 0) return (-1);
????? if (li_0 > 0) li_0--;
????? li_4 = Bars - li_0;
????? li_8 = 0;
????? l_period_12 = MathSqrt(period);
????? li_16 = Bars - li_0 + period + 1;
????? if (li_16 > Bars) li_16 = Bars;
????? ArrayResize(lda_20, li_16);
????? ArraySetAsSeries(lda_20, TRUE);
????? ArrayResize(lda_24, li_16);
????? ArraySetAsSeries(lda_24, TRUE);
????? for (li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_16; li_8++) lda_20[li_8] = 2.0 * WMA(li_8, period / 2) - WMA(li_8, period);
????? for (li_8 = 0; li_8 < li_16 - period; li_8++) g_ibuf_104[li_8] = iMAOnArray(lda_20, 0, l_period_12, 0, method, li_8);
????? for (li_8 = li_16 - period; li_8 >= 0; li_8--) {
???????? lda_24[li_8] = lda_24[li_8 + 1];
???????? if (g_ibuf_104[li_8] > g_ibuf_104[li_8 + 1]) lda_24[li_8] = 1;
???????? if (g_ibuf_104[li_8] < g_ibuf_104[li_8 + 1]) lda_24[li_8] = -1;
???????? if (lda_24[li_8] > 0.0) {
??????????? g_ibuf_96[li_8] = g_ibuf_104[li_8];
??????????? if (lda_24[li_8 + 1] < 0.0) g_ibuf_96[li_8 + 1] = g_ibuf_104[li_8 + 1];
??????????? g_ibuf_100[li_8] = EMPTY_VALUE;
???????? } else {
??????????? if (lda_24[li_8] < 0.0) {
?????????????? g_ibuf_100[li_8] = g_ibuf_104[li_8];
?????????????? if (lda_24[li_8 + 1] > 0.0) g_ibuf_100[li_8 + 1] = g_ibuf_104[li_8 + 1];
?????????????? g_ibuf_96[li_8] = EMPTY_VALUE;
??????????? }
???????? }
????? }
????? return (0);
?? }
//|????????????????????????????????? Sniper Forex Expert Advisor.mq4 |
//|????????????????????????????? Copyright ?2008, TradingSytemForex |
//|??????????????????????????????? http://www.tradingsystemforex.com |
#property copyright "Copyright ?2008, TradingSytemForex"
#property link "http://www.tradingsystemforex.com"
#define OrSt "Sniper Forex Expert Advisor"
extern string SNI="---------------- Sniper";
extern int SniperPeriod=30;
extern int SniperType=3;
extern string STB="---------------- Sniper Trend B";
extern double Sniper=0.01;
extern int SniperP=7;
extern string LM="---------------- Lot Management";
extern double Lots=0.1;
extern bool MM=false; //money management
extern double Risk=10; //risk in percentage
extern string TSTB="---------------- TP SL TS BE";
bool RealSL_Enabled=false;
int RealSL=5; //stop loss under 15 p頿s
bool RealTP_Enabled=false;
int RealTP=10; //take profit under 10 p頿s
extern int SL=0; //stop loss
extern int TP=0; //take profit
extern int TS=0; //trailing stop
extern int TS_Step=1; //trailing stop step
extern int BE=0; //breakeven
extern string EXT="---------------- Extras";
extern bool Reverse=false;
extern bool Add_Positions=false; //positions cumulated
extern int MaxOrders=100; //maximum number of orders
extern int Magic=0;
int Slip=3;static int TL=0;double MML=0;
// expert start function
int start(){int j=0,limit=1;double BV=0,SV=0;BV=0;SV=0;double SNIB1,SNIB2,SNIA1,SNIA2,SNI1,SNI2,SNI3,SNI4,SNI5,SNI6,SNI1b,SNI2b,SNI3b,SNI4b,SNI5b,SNI6b;
if(CntO(OP_BUY,Magic)>0)TL=1;if(CntO(OP_SELL,Magic)>0)TL=-1;for(int i=1;i<=limit;i++){
SNIA1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Sniper Trend A",0,i);
SNIA2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Sniper Trend A",1,i);
SNIB1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Sniper Trend B",Sniper,SniperP,0,i);
SNIB2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"Sniper Trend B",Sniper,SniperP,1,i);
// expert money management
if(MM){if(Risk<0.1||Risk>100){Comment("Invalid Risk Value.");return(0);}
// expert init positions
int cnt=0,OP=0,OS=0,OB=0,CS=0,CB=0;OP=0;for(cnt=0;cnt<OrdersTotal();cnt++){OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES);
if(OP>=1){OS=0; OB=0;}OB=0;OS=0;CB=0;CS=0;
// expert conditions to open position
// expert conditions to close position
if(CS==1){OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slip,Red);return(0);}}}double SLI=0,TPI=0;int TK=0;
// expert open position value
if(OS==1){if(TP==0)TPI=0;else TPI=Bid-TP*Point;if(SL==0)SLI=0;else SLI=Bid+SL*Point;TK=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,MML,Bid,Slip,SLI,TPI,OrSt,Magic,0,Red);OS=0;return(0);}?
if(OB==1){if(TP==0)TPI=0;else TPI=Ask+TP*Point;if(SL==0)SLI=0;else SLI=Ask-SL*Point;TK=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,MML,Ask,Slip,SLI,TPI,OrSt,Magic,0,Lime);OB=0; return(0);}}
// expert number of orders
int CntO(int Type,int Magic){int _CntO;_CntO=0;
for(int j=0;j<OrdersTotal();j++){OrderSelect(j,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES);if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol()){if((OrderType()==Type&&(OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)||Magic==0))_CntO++;}}return(_CntO);}
//expert breakeven
void TrP(){double pb,pa,pp;pp=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){pb=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID);
// expert trailing stop
//expert stoploss
void ModSL(double ldSL){bool fm;fm=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),ldSL,OrderTakeProfit(),0,CLR_NONE);}
//expert add positions function
bool AddP(){int _num=0; int _ot=0;
for (int j=0;j<OrdersTotal();j++){if(OrderSelect(j,SELECT_BY_POS)==true && OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&&OrderType()<3&&((OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)||Magic==0)){?
_num++;if(OrderOpenTime()>_ot) _ot=OrderOpenTime();}}if(_num==0) return(true);if(_num>0 && ((Time[0]-_ot))>0) return(true);else return(false);}
#property copyright "Copyright ?2008, GJ Pavkovich.com "
#property link????? "http://www.sniperforex.com/"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
double gd_76 = 15.0;
double g_period_84 = 14.0;
double gd_92 = 3.0;
double gd_100 = 0.0;
double g_ibuf_108[];
double g_ibuf_112[];
double g_ibuf_116[];
double g_ibuf_120[];
double g_ibuf_124[];
int init() {
?? SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW);
?? SetIndexArrow(0, 159);
?? SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW);
?? SetIndexArrow(1, 159);
?? IndicatorBuffers(5);
?? SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_108);
?? SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_112);
?? SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_116);
?? SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_120);
?? SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_124);
?? string ls_0 = "Sniper Stop(" + gd_76 + ")";
?? IndicatorShortName(ls_0);
?? SetIndexLabel(0, "Up");
?? SetIndexLabel(1, "Dn");
?? SetIndexDrawBegin(0, gd_76);
?? SetIndexDrawBegin(1, gd_76);
?? return (0);
int start() {
?? int li_16;
?? string ls_0 = "2020.09.09";
?? int l_str2time_8 = StrToTime(ls_0);
?? if (TimeCurrent() >= l_str2time_8) {
????? Alert("Trial version expired! Contact www.sniperforex.com.");
????? return (0);
?? }
?? int l_ind_counted_20 = IndicatorCounted();
?? if (l_ind_counted_20 > 0) li_16 = Bars - l_ind_counted_20;
?? if (l_ind_counted_20 < 0) return (0);
?? if (l_ind_counted_20 == 0) li_16 = Bars - gd_76 - 1.0;
?? for (int li_12 = li_16; li_12 >= 0; li_12--) {
????? g_ibuf_116[li_12] = High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, gd_76, li_12 + gd_100)] - gd_92 * iATR(NULL, 0, g_period_84, li_12 + gd_100);
????? g_ibuf_120[li_12] = Low[iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, gd_76, li_12 + gd_100)] + gd_92 * iATR(NULL, 0, g_period_84, li_12 + gd_100);
????? g_ibuf_124[li_12] = g_ibuf_124[li_12 + 1];
????? if (Close[li_12] > g_ibuf_120[li_12 + 1]) g_ibuf_124[li_12] = 1;
????? if (Close[li_12] < g_ibuf_116[li_12 + 1]) g_ibuf_124[li_12] = -1;
????? if (g_ibuf_124[li_12] > 0.0) {
???????? if (g_ibuf_116[li_12] < g_ibuf_116[li_12 + 1]) g_ibuf_116[li_12] = g_ibuf_116[li_12 + 1];
???????? g_ibuf_108[li_12] = g_ibuf_116[li_12];
???????? g_ibuf_112[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
????? }
????? if (g_ibuf_124[li_12] < 0.0) {
???????? if (g_ibuf_120[li_12] > g_ibuf_120[li_12 + 1]) g_ibuf_120[li_12] = g_ibuf_120[li_12 + 1];
???????? g_ibuf_108[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
???????? g_ibuf_112[li_12] = g_ibuf_120[li_12];
????? }
?? }
?? return (0);