作者:MT4 來源 發布時間:2012年05月14日
- 初次看到下單窗口沒感覺出和MT4的不同,細細看了一下發現一個新的選項:
Fill Police(成交規則) 里面有兩個選項 All or None/Cancel

下面是Fill Police選項的官方說明:
Fill PolicyBesides common order execution rules set by a broker, trade operation execution policies can be set in MetaTrader 5. These policies allow making trading activities more flexible and setting strict parameters to manage the execution of trade operations.

MetaTrader 5 Fill Policy- All or None
With this condition, a trade can be executed only for the indicated volume and at the price equal to or better than that indicated in the order. If the enough security volume is currently unavailable in the market, the order won't be executed. - Cancel Remains
In this case a trader agrees to have a trade executed for the volume maximally available in the market within the volume specified in the order and at the price equal to or better than that indicated in the order. No additional orders are placed for the deficient volume. - Return
In this case a trader agrees to have a trade executed for the volume maximally available in the market within that specified in the order and at the price equal to or better than that indicated in the order. Besides, an additional order is placed for the deficient volume at the price indicated in the order.
Fill PolicyBesides common order execution rules set by a broker, trade
operation execution policies can be set in MetaTrader 5. These
policies allow making trading activities more flexible and setting
strict parameters to manage the execution of trade operations.
成交規則 是broker可以設定的執行規則,同時交易執行規則在客戶端MT5可以選
MetaTrader 5 Fill Policy
All or None 全部成交或拒絕
With this condition, a trade can be executed only for the indicated
volume and at the price equal to or better than that indicated in the
order. If the enough security volume is currently unavailable in the
market, the order won't be executed.
Cancel Remains 指定最大部分成交
In this case a trader agrees to have a trade executed for the volume
maximally available in the market within the volume specified in the
order and at the price equal to or better than that indicated in the
order. No additional orders are placed for the deficient volume.
Return 市場最大部分成交
In this case a trader agrees to have a trade executed for the volume
maximally available in the market within that specified in the order
and at the price equal to or better than that indicated in the order.
Besides, an additional order is placed for the deficient volume at the
price indicated in the order.